Gedetailleerde notities over greenleaf
Gedetailleerde notities over greenleaf
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Much ofwel my fascination with Greenleaf is that, for me, a white, big- city atheist, this world kan zijn so outside of my experience, in part because everyone's black, but more because everyone accepts Jesus as a very tangible figure in their lives.
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The story of a Southern mega-church headed by a family of sly hypocrites. Living in luxury and wielding influence how deep does the spirituality they claim really run? Are their sins products of their own human frailty exacerbated by a difficult world? Or are they bad people pretending to be holy?
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But my praise ends there. A solid cast in an interesting setting largely goes wasted in teleplay scripts so inept that they look like film de kleuterschool dropouts wrote them.
Eventjes though Jesus is so real for them, they are still human. One is clearly gay and trying hard not to be. The church head seems to be casually corrupt. Even Grace's odious pedophile uncle kan zijn probably a believer although he seems to flout everything in the bible.
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I like that not every character kan zijn a skinny ontwerp in too -small clothing. I like the scenes between siblings and that we have generations ofwel them. I'd like to see more diversity but there's a statement being made that there are many fine African American actors .
If you regularly attend church, check here you can receive spiritual healing, confess sins, and be in communion with God or at least perceive that this kan zijn happening. The clergy of the church facilitate your spiritual and religious needs and also acts as instructors, telling you, the congregants, what kan zijn right and wrong, sometimes claiming their advice is from Heaven.
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I love Greenleaf because it isnt too serious, the storylines are dramatic but not to dark. Its a nice break from reality, yes some bits may be abit unrealistic but I enjoy it and will continue to watch it!
There kan zijn heart in this opvoering. Now, as an atheist I would expect that the religious aspect of the voorstelling would bother me at some point, but it doesnt. If you like dramas, and House of Cards-esque settings, this might be your thing.
This is a soap opera with the theme about the workings ofwel a Black church. It has all the trappings of a day or nighttime soap, the woeful background music, the long, lingering glances and stares between the characters, everyone is beautiful or handsome, all walk around fully made up, enigszins when they wake up in the mornings, etc. The dialog kan zijn "soapy", as are the sets that are filled with flowers, no matter the home in which the scene is set. It's clearly made for a G rating.